The ETH Zurich stores precomputed Green’s functions databases produced for 16 Martian structural background models. In addition, we distribute 13 models from the literature both with 1 s. and 5 s minimum reliable period. These databases were computed using AxiSEM (Nissen-Meyer et al., 2014), an axi-symmetric spectral element method which runs within a 2D computational domain. The synthetic seismograms for any source/event pair can be calculated using Instaseis (van Driel et al., 2015), a python library built with a fast extraction algorithm for waveforms. Instaseis makes heavy use of Obspy Python package.
To see a list of models for computing the Green’s functions databases, click on the Green’s functions databases tab below. Instructions on extracting waveforms from any of these databases are given under the How to download waveforms tab. The databases are hosted at, and can be accessed using a database name from the table below combined with this URL. For convenience, complete connection URLs are also provided. We also host a pre-calculated set of synthetics
This work was supported by grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation (NSF-ANR project 157133 “Seismology on Mars”) and the Swiss National Supercomputing Center (CSCS) under project ID s682.
Disclaimer: This dataset was prepared as part of the InSight project for the InSight blind test as documented in Ceylan et al (SSR, 2017). If you would like to use any of the material provided within the scope of this test (models, catalogues, waveforms) in a study that may lead to a publication, please contact For any potential users from within the InSight project, note any publications that use this dataset are governed by the InSight 'Rules of the Road'.